This morning my parents and I got up early (6 a.m.) and decided to drive the Upper Loop of the park before I had to report to work at 1:30 p.m. About halfway between Mammoth and Norris, 15 mins. after we left the house, we pulled up to a small (5 cars) bear jam. There were 2 grizzlies lying under a tree on the left side of the road, and after a minute they decided to cross.

(I wouldn't recommend getting out of the car and standing this close to grizzlies on the move, but hey, that's just me. We stayed in the car; my Aunt Penny will be happy to hear this.)
They crossed the road, and my mom asked me if they were two females. Then they started mating. "OH" she said.

It didn't last long, and this is a PG blog, so I'll just post some of the photos we took while we watched them dig for food.

love the new look!! and all the bears seen from INSIDE the car!