Two doors down from the Visitor's Center is an owl's nest with three owlets. For the past month, the Owl Paparazzi (as we have oh-so-cleverly nicknamed them) have been out there faithfully, huge camera lenses pointed up to the tree. I see them when I put away my lunch in the fridge and I give directions to the nest daily, but it had been several weeks since I'd actually seen the owls for myself.
Yesterday when I got off work I noticed a big crowd of people staring up at a tree, Steve included. Three of the owls were perched up there, and one even started flying around, stopping to rest on the roof of the Deputy Superintendent's house for a bit. Of course we didn't have our camera with us, but we ran home and and were able to fire off a couple of shots before the rain rolled in.

Steve called this one the Ewok, for um obvious reasons.

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