After I had to cancel on a planned four-day backpack in the Bechler, Steve and I decided to get on out a quick overnight. We hit the trail Saturday night, headed out 4 miles to the first site on the Lamar River Trail.

The sky looked a little ominous, so we walked fast.

Almost there.

Cache Creek, our home for the night.

Steve got our food hung up on up on the bear pole,

and was able to get in a little bit of fishing before nightfall.
The next morning, Steve woke up early and hit the creek. I slept in and then enjoyed coffee in our "kitchen" area, complete with antlers.

We bushwhacked up Cache Creek a mile and Steve got serious about fishing.

Jackpot--a 20-inch cutthroat.

I found a rock and hung out with a book while he fished.

As we headed back to our campsite to pack up, we found a bison on the trail. A very large, cranky bison. We scrambled across the creek and walked in the water until it was safe to cross back over and continue on our way.

All packed up, and headed home.